Board and Train

Board and train

For the most focused training, Golden Mal Dog Training offers a Board and Train style approach.

Your dog will come live with one of our trainers for a predetermined amount of time, and receive concentrated training every single day. None of our trainers operate out of a facility, so your dog will be living in-home and given the same 24/7 care they would give their own dog.

Board and trains are highly effective, and can show results much quicker than private sessions. We suggest them for more severe cases of behavioral modification, any kind of service dog, a puppy-raising head start, or anyone seeking a more streamlined approach.

Your dog will receive a minimum of two to three training sessions every day, along with a purposeful lifestyle to help your dog be their best self. We also ensure all board and trains go on hikes, field trips, and other outings throughout their stay. These trips are meant to advance training, practice the functional aspect of the training, and also have some fun!

Following the board and train, the initial price includes one transfer session when your dog goes home. You will also be sent an overview of everything that was worked on, along with guidance for how to continue the training on your own. Many people worry a board and train means they won’t get to learn like they would during private lessons, but that is simply not true. In fact, many find it easier to learn after their dog is already trained. Either way, the entire process from the why, how, and beyond will be covered thoroughly.

Good candidates for board and trains include (but are not limited to):

  • Service dogs. Even just a few weeks can accomplish a lot in terms of public access and task training.

  • Puppies! We have done many ‘head-start’ programs to get them on the right track for potty-training, crate-training, obedience, and more!

  • Reactivity. If your dog barks at people and dogs, pulls towards everything he sees, or is difficult to control, a board and train may be a good option for you! More minor displays of reactivity can often be worked through with private sessions, but sometimes it is easier for the family and more effective to get the quicker results of a board and train.

  • Basic to advanced obedience. Drop off your pup, and pick up an amazing canine citizen. We will teach your dog to sit, lay down, come when called, loose leash walk or heel, stop barking, and more. The level of distractions will depend on what you want out of your dog

Not sure which is right for you? Send a message, and our trainers will create a custom training plan to best work with the needs of you and your dog.